The program in Sculpture皇冠体育官网提供一个包容性的, 多学科替代更传统的雕塑项目. 该项目强调通过对材料和空间的操纵来探索思想, 将理论发展和工作室制作同等重视.

雕塑的意识形态建立在三个支柱之上:装置和基于物体的实践, 数字制造和新兴媒体, 手工艺和DIY审美.

Through this integrated, encompassing approach, 该领域鼓励新型创客在媒体和学科之间进行创作, 超越传统探究的既定界限的工作. As a student in the Sculpture program you will have the opportunity to discover a range of media and creative practices; develop the skills needed to articulate the concerns of your work; and prepare professional portfolios to apply for opportunities, workshops, and residencies.




Art Major, BFA


5000平方英尺的雕塑设施包括设备齐全的木材和金属工作室, classrooms, 最先进的陶瓷贝壳投资室, 独立的砂光和金属精加工工作室, 还有一个设备齐全的工具室, power, and pneumatic tools, and assorted supplies. 木材工作室包括台锯, band saws, compound miter saws, assorted sanders, a panel saw, wood lathe, planer, jointer, 还有几台钻床. 金属设施包括MIG, TIG, Stick, Spot, and Gas welders, a plasma cutter, finger break, step shear, rollers, 水平和垂直带锯, hydraulic pipe bender, abrasive chop saw, drill presses, 还有一台两吨重的桥式起重机. 新装修的1000平方英尺, 全封闭的雕塑庭院将在09年春季学期之前完成,并将包括一个完全铺设的庭院, 软金属坩埚炉, burn-out kiln, sand pit, rolling work tables, electric glass kilns, an outdoor welding area, 和一个完全可穿越的桥式起重机.

学生穿戴防护装备,包括护目镜, headphones, mask, 手套在雕塑工作室工作.



Marin Abell


[email protected] 303-615-0921


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